BLMK Suicide Prevention Partnership Network Meeting – September 2024
Posted 4 months ago

The BLMK Suicide Prevention Partnership Network Meeting gathered key stakeholders like Thames Valley Police, Mind BLMK, Bedford Samaritans and Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service to discuss vital initiatives in suicide prevention. The meeting emphasised the significance of open conversations about suicide, particularly in relation to World Suicide Prevention Day and the specific risks faced by autistic individuals, as highlighted in a presentation by Elizabeth Bailey Public Health Manager from Luton Borough Council.
A refreshed new four year BLMK Suicide Prevention Action Plan was shared, which included new actions such as addressing harmful gambling and domestic abuse, aligning with national strategies and taking into account local data and intelligence. Recent ONS suicide data was reviewed, indicating a national rise in rates, and the session concluded with updates on forthcoming training resources and campaigns, including World Mental Health Day, while establishing action items for ongoing collaboration and data sharing among network members. A new resource the women’s suicide prevention hub from Grassroots which supports suicide prevention in women was shared. This topic will be discussed in more detail at the next network meeting on Thursday 21st November along with domestic abuse and suicide.